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The Effect of Different Drying Methods on Sensory Quality and Stability of Wet Processed Milk Tea Solid Beverage
ZHANG Jian-wen ,WANG Yue ,XING Zhi-qiang*,LIU Xin-rong,MEI Hua,ZHANG Yun-feng
(Suzhou Jiahe Foods Industry Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215200,China)

Abstract: In order to study the effect of different drying methods on sensory quality and stability of milk tea solid beverage,the vacuum drying and spray drying was used in this study,at the same time,the milk tea powder was made with wet process. The result indicated: the taste and texture of milk tea processed by vacuum drying were very bad,the surface oil content of vacuum dried milk tea was 13.44%,while spray drying was 0.78% only. the low stability of vacuum drying milk tea solid was also indicated by particle size distribution and transmittance. The yield of spray drying was 59% and vacuum drying was 74%。In contrast to vacuum drying,the spray drying is feasible in wet processed milk tea solid beverage.
Key Words: wet processed milk tea powder;spray drying;vacuum drying;sensory description;stability

版权所有:中国饮料工业协会 电话:010-84464668 京ICP备20005345号-1
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