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酵母抽提物在复合坚果蛋白饮料中的 应用研究

郑英亮,覃先武,胥 怀,李 沛,李 库,彭 颖*

(安琪酵母股份有限公司,湖北 宜昌 443003)

摘要:本研究为了制备一款复合坚果蛋白饮料,比较了桃仁、杏仁和榛子仁的营养成分与功能因子含量,结果表明3 种坚果均含有较低含量的水分以及较高含量的脂肪、蛋白质、总膳食纤维、碳水化合物以及钙、磷、镁、钾和VE等成分,而且三者的蛋白质组成均含有较高含量的谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸和精氨酸。由于三者的营养成分与功能因子种类和含量接近,因此可将3 种坚果复配成一款蛋白饮料。在制备工艺中坚果经过部分脱脂处理,为了提升该复合蛋白饮料的风味,可以添加酵母抽提物(YE)增强植物蛋白饮料的脂肪感。


Application of Yeast Extract in Compound Nut Protein Beverage

ZHENG Ying-liang,QIN Xian-wu,XU Huai,LI Pei,LI Ku,PENG Ying*

(Angel Yeast Co.,Ltd.,Yichang 443003,China )

Abstract: This study in order to prepare a composite nut protein drinks,first compared the walnut meat,almond andhazelnut kernel content of nutrition and function factors,the results showed that three kinds of nuts containing lowcontent of moisture and high content of fat,protein,total dietary fiber,carbohydrates and calcium,phosphorus,magnesium,potassium and VE,such as composition,In addition,the protein composition of all of them containedhigher content of glutamic acid,aspartic acid and arginine. As the nutritional components and functional factors ofthe three nuts are close to the type and content,so the three nuts can be mixed into a protein drink. As nuts arepartially defatted in the preparation process,yeast extract can be added to enhance the flavor of the compoundprotein drink to enhance the fat sensation of the vegetable protein drink.

Key words: peach kernel;almond;hazelnut;yeast extract

中图分类号:TS27 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7871(2022)05-0041-04





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