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温国艳,万 鹏*,付云双,赵 贞,李慧秀,李翠枝,吕志勇

(内蒙古伊利实业集团股份有限公司,内蒙古自治区 呼和浩特市 010110)



Analysis and Interpretation of New Zealand Dairy Food Safety Sampling Inspection System

WEN Guo-yan,WAN Peng*,FU Yun-shuang,ZHAO Zhen,LI Hui-xiu,LI Cui-zhi,LV Zhi-yong

(Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.,Hohhot 010110,China)

Abstract: New Zealand has an important position in the dairy industry. This paper comprehensively expounds theNew Zealand dairy food safety sampling system,including laws,regulations,standards,plans,etc.,such as theFood Act, the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, the National Chemical Contaminants Program(NCCP),and the National Chemical Contaminants Program Operation Code. The analysis and interpretation of NewZealand dairy products sampling system provides understanding of its supervision model,and provide reference andguidance for related work.

Key words: New zealand;dairy products;food safety;sampling supervision

中图分类号:TS207      文献标志码:A       文章编号:1007-7871(2022)05-0055-05








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