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(浙江铁枫堂食品饮料有限公司,浙江 温州 325600)

摘要:采用植物乳杆菌发酵铁皮石斛叶制备饮料。以低聚异麦芽糖作为碳源,在单因素实验基础上,以饮料的感官评分作为评价指标,采用响应面法优化最佳的发酵工艺。结果表明:最佳的发酵工艺为植物乳杆菌添加量0.1g/L、发酵温度37 ℃、发酵时间为36h,所得发酵饮料感官评分为88 分,粗多糖为20g/L,产品颜色呈浅黄色,口感清爽,酸甜适宜。


Optimization of Fermented Beverage from Leaves of Dendrobium Officinale by ResponseSurface Methodology

GONG Wei-qi,XUE Jiao

(Zhejiang Tiefengtang Food and Beverage Co.,Ltd.,Wenzhou 325600,China)

Abstract: Beverage was prepared from Dendrobium candidum leaves fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum. Takingthe sensory score of the beverage as the evaluation index.The isomalto oligosaccharide as the carbon source. Theoptimal fermentation process of Dendrobium candidum leaves were optimized by response surface methodology. Theresults showed that the optimum conditions were as follows:the addition amount of Lactobacillus plantarum was 0.1g/L,the fermentation temperature was 37℃ , the fermentation time was 36h, the sensory score of the fermentedDendrobium candidum leaves beverage was 88 points,and the crude polysaccharide was 20g/L. The color of theproduct was light yellow,and the taste was fresh and suitable for sour and sweet.

Key words: dendrobium candidum leaves;lactobacillus plantarum;response surface methodology;sensory score

中图分类号:TS275.4                     文献标志码:A                           文章编号:1007-7871(2022)06-0028-05














版权所有:中国饮料工业协会 电话:010-84464668 京ICP备20005345号-1
邮箱:ylgy@chinabeverage.org 传真:010-84464236 邮编:100027 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环北路丙二号天元港中心B座1702室