(1 杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司,浙江 杭州 310018;2 浙江省食品生物工程重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310018)
摘要:反渗透系统的铝盐污染是一种不太常见的污染类型,因为一般天然水体和市政供水中铝盐含量较低。但在特殊情况下,一旦发生铝盐污染,对反渗透系统的污堵影响非常严重。为有效解决此问题,开展了铝盐污染研究,制定了简易的定性评估方法,并根据铝盐的溶解度特点,提出在机械过滤器前调整pH 值的措施,解决反渗透铝污染问题。通过将进水pH 值调节到合适范围,反渗透系统运行稳定,反渗透铝污染问题得以有效解决。
Contamination of Reverse Osmosis System by Residual Aluminum Salts in Municipal WaterSupply and its Countermeasures
YANG Wei 1,LI Wen-qiang 1,XUE Yu-qing1,LI Yan-jun1,2,LIU Guan-chen1,2,CHENG Guan-zhe1,2,LUO Jie1*
(1 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310018,China;
2 Key Laboratory of Food and Biological Engineering of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310018,China)
Abstract: Reverse osmosis(RO)system fouling by aluminum salt seldom happens because of a small quantity of thealuminum salt in natural water and municipal supply water usually. But once it occurs in particular cases,it impairsRO system very seriously. In order to effectively solve this problem,aluminum salt fouling research has been carriedout. Puts forward a simple diagnosis method,and prevents it by adjusting pH before mechanical filtration accordingto the characteristic solubility of aluminum salt. By adjusting the pH value of influent water to an appropriate range,the reverse osmosis system operates stably,and the problem of reverse osmosis aluminum fouling can be effectivelysolved.
Key words: reverse osmosis system;aluminum salt;municipal supply water;membrane fouling
中图分类号:TU991 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7871(2023)03-0043-03