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(信阳农林学院食品学院,河南省大别山特色食品资源综合利用工程技术研究中心,河南 信阳 464000)

摘要:本文通过测定苹果液发酵过程中还原糖、pH、酒精度等指标,联合感官评价结果,筛选发酵菌株、接种量、菌种比例,获得较好的苹果发酵液加工工艺。在白地霉和酿酒酵母复配接种情况下,接种量为3%,接种比例1∶8,培养温度为28℃,摇床转速为120r/min 时,发酵获得酒精度为6.1%Vol、具有苹果清香气味、酸甜适中、棕黄色有光泽、流动性好、质地均匀、无分层和气泡的苹果发酵液。


Study on Fermented Apple Broth by Trichotrichum Tdoratum and Yeast Complex Bacteria

LV Jing,CHEN Qiu-yi,ZHU Jing,LI Kun,CHEN Long,REN Meng-jiao

(School of Food Science ,Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University,Engineering Technology Research Centerfor Comprehensive Utilization of

Characteristic Food Resources in Dabie Mountain,Xin Yang 464000,China)

Abstract: The article introduces a good apple broth fermentation processing technology, which screens thefermentation strains,level of inoculation and proportion of strains by determining the indicators of the apple brothfermentation process,such as the reducing sugar,the pH value and the alcohol by volume,along with the sensorytesting results. A mixed inoculation of Geotrichum candidum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae,which adapts 3%inoculation,an inoculation ratio of 1∶8,a culture temperature of 28℃ and a shaking speed of 120r/min,gave thefermented apple broth of 6.1%Vol,and it possesses apple fragrance,moderate sweetness and sourness,lustre in darkyellow,good fluidity and a homogeneous appearance without bubbling or layers.

Key words: screening;process optimization;sensory evaluation;fermented apple broth

中图分类号:TS27          文献标志码:A          文章编号:1007-7871(2023)04-0050-05


版权所有:中国饮料工业协会 电话:010-84464668 京ICP备20005345号-1
邮箱:ylgy@chinabeverage.org 传真:010-84464236 邮编:100027 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环北路丙二号天元港中心B座1702室