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电磁阻垢技术在UHT 上应用的研究


(1 杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司,浙江 杭州 310018;

2 浙江省食品生物工程重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310018)

摘要:目的:评估电磁阻垢技术用于延缓UHT 高温段结垢的可行性。方法:在一个完整的奶茶生产周期内,通过电磁阻垢器设备是否启用的两组实验,比较一个完整生产周期的UHT 高温段结垢情况以及对产品品质的影响,评估电磁阻垢技术在延缓UHT 高温段结垢,延长生产周期的应用可行性。结论:在实际生产过程中,使用电磁阻垢器设备,并不影响产品货架期的稳定性,同时可以有效延缓UHT 高温段结垢情况。


Study of the Anti-Fouling Function on UHT Using the Electro-Magnetic Feld Technology

LUO Jie1,XUE Yu-qing1,LIN Xiao-rong1,ZHOU Yun-Hua1,WU Wei-du1,ZHANG Yan1,DENG Ying-ying1,XU Cui1,LI Yan-jun 1,2,LV Gui-shan1*

(1 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310018,China;

2 Zhejiang Key Laboratory of food Bioengineering,Hangzhou 310018,China)

Abstract: Objects: Study on the posibility of delay of UHT fouling using the electro- magnetic field technology.Methods: During an entire production circle,the products(treated with/without electro- magnetic field technology)were studied to evaluate the effects on UHT. Conclusions:During the production circle,UHT foulings wereeffectively delayed using the electro-magnetic field technology,and the quality of the products was acceptable eventhough there were subtle differences between the products treated with/without electro-magnetic field technology.

Key words: electro-magnetic field technology;UHT(Ultra High Temperature treated);fouling;stability

中图分类号:TS252.4                文献标志码:A                 文章编号:1007-7871(2023)06-0037-05










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