(西南民族大学食品科学与技术学院,四川 成都 610225)
摘要:《食品生物化学》课程是食品科学与工程大类专业的一门专业基础必修课,存在专业术语多、内容抽象、知识点多且分散等特点。传统教学方法授课效果不佳,学生学习主观能动性不强。针对这一现状,本文探讨基于OBE 理念应用雨课堂模式的线上线下《食品生物化学》的教学改革。通过分析《食品生物化学》课程的教学特点,阐述了应用雨课堂模式的优势。通过制定教学目标、设计教学内容、安排教学活动、制定评价标准等环节,将雨课堂模式应用于线上线下教学,以实现学生能力提升和课程目标达成。本教学探索以期提高课程的教学效果,为“线上线下”混合教学改革与实践提供经验支持。
关键词:OBE 理念;雨课堂模式;食品生物化学;线上线下教学
Teaching Reform of“Food Biochemistry”Course Based on OBE Concept and Rain Classroom Platform
HUANG Mei-gui,HAO Gang,TANG Shan-hu,LI Si-ning
(Southwest Minzu University,College of Food Science and Technology,Chengdu 610225,China)
Abstract:“Food Biochemistry”is a fundamental,required course for food science and engineering. It has a lot ofscientific terms,theoretical substance,and dispersed knowledge points. Traditional teaching approaches have a pooreducational impact, and the subjective motivation of students for learning is limited. In account of theaforementioned,the current research discusses the reform of“food biochemistry”education online as well as offlineusing the OBE idea(Outcomes-based Education)and the rain classroom platform. The benefits of the applied rainclassroom model are clarified by examining the teaching qualities of the“food biochemistry”course. The rainclassroom platform is applied to online as well as offline instruction in order to enhance learning through establishinglearning objectives,providing educational resources,organizing activities for learning,and establishing evaluationstandards.
Key words: OBE concept;rain classroom platform;food biochemistry;online and offline teaching
中图分类号:G424 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7871(2024)05-0066-03