摘要:本文通过阐述《非浓缩还原果汁橙汁》(T/CBIA 006—2019)团体标准制定背景及标准编制原则,阐释标准中的术语定义、技术要求等条款,以期促进《非浓缩还原果汁橙汁》团体标准的宣贯和更好实施。
Interpretation of the China Beverage Industry Association Group Standardfor“Not from Concentrated Fruit Juice-Orange Juice”
(T/CBIA 006—2019)
YANG Yong-lan,ZHOU Ming-chun,HAN Yi-yu,ZHANG Ming,LI Zhi-li
(China Beverage Industry Association,Beijing 100027,China)
Abstract: This paper elaborates on the background and compilation principles of the group standard for“Not fromconcentrated fruit Juice- Orange Juice”(T/CBIA 006—2019),and explains in detail the terms and definitions,technical requirements,and other clauses in the standard,in order to promote the publicity and better implementationof the group standard for“Not from concentrated fruit Juice-Orange Juice”.
Key words: not from concentrated fruit Juice;orange Juice;terms and definitions;technical requirements
中图分类号:TS207.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7871(2024)06-0075-03