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MVR 蒸发器设计应注意的几个问题


(1 华禹乳品机械制造有限公司,黑龙江 安达 151400;

2 广东百维生物科技有限公司,广东 化州 525100)

摘要:针对目前MVR 蒸发器在工业废水处理应用中出现的不出盐、蒸发量不足、易腐蚀等问题进行分析,从应用出现的问题看,大多属于设计上的问题,本文就此进行阐述。

关键词:MVR 蒸发器;应用;效果;问题;设计注意事项

Several Problems Should be Noted in MVR Evaporator Design

LIU Dian-yu1,LIANG Lyu-bao2

(1 Huayu Dairy Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.,Anda 151400,China;

2 Guangzhou Baiwei Biological Co.,Ltd.,Huazhou 525100,China)

Abstract: In view of the current application of some MVR evaporator in industrial wastewater treatment,someproblems such as no salt,insufficient evaporation,no salt,and easy corrosion were analyzed. From the perspectiveof the application problems,most of them belonged to the design problems,and this was explained.

Key words: MVR evaporator;apply;effect;problem;design precaution

中图分类号:TS04       文献标志码:A           文章编号:1007-7871(2024)06-0066-02


版权所有:中国饮料工业协会 电话:010-84464668 京ICP备20005345号-1
邮箱:ylgy@chinabeverage.org 传真:010-84464236 邮编:100027 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环北路丙二号天元港中心B座1702室