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基于Creo 的圆盘承重分析


(江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司,江苏 苏州 215600)

摘要:在机械工程应用的广泛领域中,一个看似不相关的主题——纸盘承重却在应用中起到重要作用。饮料机械中的吹瓶机、灌装机的机架支撑部布局和纸盘承重相类似,因此可以通过研究纸盘承重的问题来指导工程应用中机架支撑分布。为了获得同重量同高度支撑部的最大承载量,构造了5 种不同数量支撑部且同数量支撑部各3 种尺寸的方案。采用Creo 软件对不同方案分别建模、分配材料、施加载荷和约束,进行静力学分析,并获得各方案应力及位移云图。通过对比可知:采用4 根支撑部且内径为∅16mm、外径为∅29.9mm 时最大应力最小;各方案最大位移相差较小,在60μm 以内。研究可以为相应机械结构的设计提供思路,减少实验次数并大幅度缩短设计开发周期,具有较高的工程应用价值。


Bearing Analysis of Disc Based on Creo

ZHANG Xiao-fei,YU Rong-peng,DONG Teng-zhong

(Jiangsu Newamstar Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215600,China)

Abstract: In the broad field of mechanical engineering applications, a seemingly unrelated topic - paper plate bearing,but cleverly intertwined with it. The layout of the frame support part of the blowing machine and the filling machinein the beverage machinery is similar to the bearing capacity of the paper plate, so the research on the bearing capacity ofthe paper plate can guide the distribution of the frame support in engineering applications. In order to obtain themaximum bearing capacity of support parts with the same weight and height, five kinds of support parts withdifferent numbers and three sizes of each support part were constructed. Creo software was used to modeling,distributing materials, applying load and constraint to different schemes, carrying out static analysis, and obtaining thestress and displacement nephogram of each scheme. By comparison, it could be seen that the maximum stress wasminimum when four support parts were used and the inner diameter was ∅16mm and the outer diameter was ∅29.9mm.The maximum displacement difference of each scheme was less than 60μm. The research can provide ideas for thedesign of corresponding mechanical structures, reduce the number of tests and greatly shorten the design anddevelopment cycle, and has high engineering application value.

Key words: beverage machinery;statics;stress nephogram;displacement nephogram;engineering application

中图分类号:TS203            文献标志码:A                          文章编号:1007-7871(2024)06-0058-04



版权所有:中国饮料工业协会 电话:010-84464668 京ICP备20005345号-1
邮箱:ylgy@chinabeverage.org 传真:010-84464236 邮编:100027 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环北路丙二号天元港中心B座1702室