杨 静,刘春丽*,黎俊威,胡 杰,廖宇琼
(捷通(广州)检测技术服务有限公司,广东 广州 510730)
摘要:目的:建立反向液相色谱法测定食品中透明质酸钠的分析方法。方法:含透明质酸钠的样品,根据基质的不同,可采用直接提取法或醇沉提取法,提取完的样品溶液经过与透明质酸酶反应,再用高效液相色谱仪分析。色谱柱为MCI GEL CK08EH(8mm×300mm,9μm),流动相:1%磷酸溶液,流速为0.6mL/min,柱温为40℃,进样体积20μL,检测波长232nm,外标法定量。结果:透明质酸钠的相关系数为1.0000,加标回收率为93.2%~100.3%,相对偏差为2.71%和3.26%,检出限为0.3mg/kg,定量限为1.0mg/kg。结论:该方法适用范围广,准确度、精密度良好,适用于食品中透明质酸钠含量的测定。
Determination of Sodium Hyaluronate Content in Food by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
YANG Jing,LIU Chun-li*,LI Jun-wei,HU Jie,LIAO Yu-qiong
(Access(Guangzhou)Testing Technology Service Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510730,China)
Abstract: Purpose:To establish the method for determining the content of sodium hyaluronate in food by reverseliquid chromatography. Methods:For pretreatment,direct extraction or alcohol precipitation extraction could be useddepending on the substrate. An MCI GEL CK08EH column(8mm×300mm,9μm)was used with 1% phosphoricacid as mobile phase. The flow rate was 0.6mL/min,the column temperature was 40℃,and the injection volumewas 20μL. The detection wavelength was 232nm. Results:The correlation coefficient of sodium hyaluronate was1.0000,the spiked recovery rate was 93.2~100.3%, and the relative deviation was 2.71%和3.26%.The detectionlimit was 0.3mg/kg,and the quantification limit was 1.0 mg/kg. Conclusions:This method shows a wide range ofapplicability,good accuracy and precision,and is suitable for the determination of sodium hyaluronate content infood.
Key words: high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC);sodium hyaluronate;food
中图分类号:TS207.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7871(2024)06-0036-05