(内蒙古伊利实业集团股份有限公司,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010110)
摘要:建立一种利用对硝基苯棕榈酸酯(p-nitrophenyl palmitate,p-NPP)为底物,在405 nm 紫外吸收波长下测定产物对硝基苯酚而达到测定脂肪酶活力的检测方法。研究中探究了脂肪酶水解最适pH、底物添加量、样品与缓冲液比例、孵育时间等实验条件对检测结果的影响。结果表明,在最佳实验条件下,曲线相关性(R2)为0.9964,回收率为64%%~69%,精密度为5.47%~6.72%,相对标准偏差为4.83%。通过两种市售脂肪酶检测试剂盒进行方法比对,对不同脂肪酶含量样品进行检测,发现其酶活力趋势一致,说明本方法准确,简便,快速,适用于乳制品中脂肪酶活力检测。该方法有望为牛乳中质量控制提供可选择的检测方法。
Study on the Determination of Lipase Activity in Milk by p-Nitrobenzene Palmitate Method
GUO Yu-qing,YAN Qing,GUAN Ning,GAO Wang-dong,WU Xiao-li,ZHANG Cai-xia,XU Hong*
(Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.,Hohhot 010110,China)
Abstract: A method for the determination of the lipase activity was established by using p-nitrophenyl palmitate as asubstrate to determine the product p-nitrophenol at 405 nm UV absorption wavelengths. In the study,the effects ofexperimental conditions such as the optimum pH of lipase hydrolysis,the amount of substrate,the ratio of sample tobuffer and incubation time on the detection results were explored. The results show that under the optimalexperimental conditions,the correlation of the curve was 0.9964,the recovery rate was 64%~69%,the precisionwas 5.47%~6.72%,and the relative standard deviation was 4.83%. Through the comparison of two kinds of lipasedetection kits,the samples with different lipase content were detected,and it was found that the trend of lipaseactivity was the same,indicating that this method was accurate,simple,rapid and suitable for the detection of lipaseactivity in dairy products. This method is expected to provide an alternative detection method for quality control inmilk.
Key words: milk;lipase;p-nitrophenyl palmitate(p-NPP);enzyme activity
中图分类号:TS252.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7871(2024)06-0031-05