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微生物试管法在饮料中维生素B12含量检测 的应用研究


(1 捷通(广州)检测技术服务有限公司,广东 广州 510070;

2 广东省食品工业研究所有限公司,广东  广州 511442)

摘要:维生素B12 对维持人体正常生理功能至关重要,但饮料中含量低,传统检测方法在饮料中受限。针对此问题,采用基于《食品安全国家标准食品中维生素B12 的测定》(GB 5009.285—2022)第三法,对样品的制备、提取和稀释流程进行优化,通过混合预包装液体饮料、引入超声波去除CO2 以及粉碎固体饮料等方式,提高了样本的代表性和实验准确性。根据维生素B12 含量差异,灵活调整提取和稀释策略,高浓度样品遵循国标,低浓度样品简化操作。结果显示,优化后的方法能精准测定饮料中维生素B12 的含量,样品的相对标准偏差RSD%值均小于15%,控制在4.93%,1.87%,4.07%,5.40%以内。加标回收率稳定在77%~108%之间,符合60%~120%加标回收率的要求,重复性良好,准确可靠。与第三方机构检测结果相符,展现了良好的实用性和经济性,为饮料中维生素B12 检测提供新途径。

关键词:维生素B12 ;保健品;优化;国标微生物法

Research on the Application of Microbial Method Based on National Standard Optimizationin the Detection of Vitamin B12 Content in Beverages

XIE Ying-jun1*,DONG Fang-ning1,LIU Chun-li1,CAI Xiao-gang1,XIN Guang-qiong1,HE Kun-peng2,CHEN Chu-ying2

(1 Access(Guangzhou)Testing Technology Service Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510070,China;

2 Guangdong Food Industry Resarch Institute Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 511442,China)

Abstract: Vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining normal physiological functions in the human body,but it is foundin beverages in low quantities,and traditional detection methods are limited in beverages. In order to solve thisproblem,the third method based on GB 5009.285—2022“National Food Safety Standard - Determination of VitaminB12 in Food” was used to optimize the preparation, extraction and dilution process of the sample. Therepresentativeness and experimental accuracy of the sample were improved by mixing pre-packaged liquid beverages,introducing ultrasonic waves to remove CO2 and crushing solid beverages. According to the difference in vitamin B12content,the extraction and dilution strategies were flexibly. The samples of highconcentration were treated followingtheGB method, and the samples of lowconcentration were treated by simplified method. The results showed that theoptimized method could accurately determine the content of vitamin B12 in beverages,and the relative standarddeviations of the samples were less than 15%,which were controlled within 4.93%,1.87%,4.07%,and 5.40%. Therecovery rate of spiked sample was stable between 77%~08%,which meets the requirements of 60%~120% spikedrecovery,with good repeatability,accuracy and reliability. It was consistent with the test results of third- partyinstitutions,showing good practicability and economy,and providing a new way for the detection of vitamin B12 inbeverages.

Key words: vitamin B12;health product;optimization;national standard microbiology law

中图分类号:TS27                      文献标志码:A                             文章编号:1007-7871(2024)06-0026-05















版权所有:中国饮料工业协会 电话:010-84464668 京ICP备20005345号-1
邮箱:ylgy@chinabeverage.org 传真:010-84464236 邮编:100027 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环北路丙二号天元港中心B座1702室