王 超,刘青飞,黄红艳
(广东铭康香精香料有限公司,广东 广州 510660)
摘要:目的:为研究乳酸菌发酵香蕉、石斛复合汁的工艺条件及乳酸菌发酵对香蕉、石斛复合汁的挥发性风味物质的影响。方法:采用凝结芽孢杆菌、植物乳杆菌、鼠李糖杆菌3 种乳酸菌进行混合发酵,以总酸为评价指标,采用响应面试验优化发酵工艺条件,分析香蕉、石斛复合汁中挥发性风味物质的变化。结果:最佳的发酵工艺为接种量1.9%,发酵温度33.2℃,发酵时间35.7h,在此优化条件下,总酸产量0.982%。GC-MS 结果表明,发酵后挥发性风味物质共有8 类29 种,其中酸类2 种,酯类11 种,醛类3 种,醇类3 种,烃类2 种,酮类4 种,酚类3 种,硫化物1种。与未发酵的香蕉、石斛复合汁相比,新增加了醛类和含硫物质,酚类、酸类和酮类物质分别是发酵前的1.8、1.6和3.4 倍。结论:乳酸菌发酵后香蕉、石斛复合汁的风味物质更加丰富。
Optimization of Fermentation Process of Banana-Dendrobium Officinale Juice by LacticAcid Bacteria and Analysis of Volatile Flavor Substances
WANG Chao,LIU Qing-fei,HUANG Hong-yan
(Guangdong Wincom Flavors & Fragrances Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510660,China)
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the fermentation process of banana- Dendrobium officinale juice by lactic acidbacteria and the effect of lactic acid bacteria fermentation on the volatile flavor substances of banana- Dendrobiumofficinale juice. Method:Bacillus coagulans,Lactobacillus plantarum and rhamnosae were used for mixed fermentation.With total acid as the evaluation index,Response surface experiments were used to optimize the process parametersof the fermentation,analyze the changes of volatile flavor substances in banana-Dendrobium officinale juice.Results:The best fermentation process was the inoculum 1.9%,the fermentation temperature 33.2℃,and the fermentationtime 35.7h. Under the optimized conditions,the total acid yield was 0.982%. GC-MS results showed that there were29 kinds of volatile flavor substances after fermentation.Compared with unfermented banana- Dendrobium officinalejuice,Among them,there are 2 acids,11 esters,3 aldehydes,3 alcohols,2 hydrocarbons,4 ketones,3 phenols,and 1 sulfide. Aldehydes and sulfur substances were added,and phenols,acids and ketones were 1.8,1.6 and 3.4 timeshigher than before fermentation. Conclusion: The flavor of banana- Dendrobium officinale juice was more abundantafter lactic acid bacteria fermentation.
Key words: lactic acid bacteria;fermentation;banana;dendrobium officinale;process optimization;volatile flavorcompounds
中图分类号:TS27 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7871(2024)06-0005-06